Canadian News Outlet Now Evangelizing Atheism

The country’s second largest newspaper publisher is on a quest to evangelize their religion of Atheism.

The Globe and Mail, a national newspaper, has published an article this morning titled, “Why do we celebrate religious holidays – without religion?” You might wonder why we are closely associating the author with the Globe and Mail, but as per their copyright policy, articles submitted become their property and falls under their intellectual ownership.

The article, which appeared in their Facebook account this morning, discusses how God was invented 2,500 years ago in an open show of ignorance being perpetuated by an author who appears to violate the very standards of bigotry supposedly upheld by the group of people he hails from- Atheists. Or heathens, as  he calls himself.

Not only is the article filled with made up claims, but the comments under their Facebook posts exudes just as much ignorance, with one user going as far as to claim believers are a veiled threat but couldn’t offer an explanation when questioned. Thankfully, the ignorance there is drowning in users defending God, or a general deity.

The author blunders in the very opening of his article, quoted as saying: “This has been a complicated season for devout worshippers of the monotheistic deity known to His various adherents as Yahweh, God or Allah…”

In his implied targeting of Jews, Christians and Muslims respectively, he includes God in his categorized list of monotheistic deities. A brief study would reveal the majority of Christians believe in a God manifested as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, making Him three in one yet one in three.

He also acknowledges his celebration today of the feast of St. Stephen, which he also admits was turned into Boxing Day, thus announcing the holiday as being hijacked. Why would a fringe group such as Atheists want to hijack a religious holiday and try removing the religious aspect? We could easily go by their standards and label them as bigots, right? Wrong. It shows the higher standards of the believer, where Biblical principles can be upheld without flaws or contradiction, as evidenced by the example Christ left us.

In his article, he also mentions the violent beginnings of monotheistic worship, failing to take into account Judaism had existed thousands of years prior, Christianity wasn’t born (seeing he turns assumption into assertion about the Christian’s God), and Islam hadn’t existed until nearly 800 years after “2,200 years ago.”

The author at different times claims God was invented, and makes a book recommendation on the topic. He also claims we are the “animal that invented God.” He lowers his existential identity to that of an animal. Could this be the standard of reasoning he uses for making claims about God or religion?

Be sure to give us your two-cents worth in the comments below!

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